I voted for a change

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I am very, very concern with Mahathir and Kak Wan latest action of accepting UMNO into PH.  Before GE14, PH was strongly against UMNO members’ way of running the country to the ground.
Now PH are laying the red carpets for UMNO to join PH.

If DAP were to take in MCA members and make them Ministers or Deputy Ministers, would people like Mahathir, Daim and Kak Wan give in to such action.

What about the feeling of existing members in the PH coalition?  Why are the members not given a chance to be Ministers or Deputy?  Why give it to ex UMNO members.

I believe Pribumi is going back to its old way and will turn PH into the UMNO Baru style of running this nation.  This is very sad.  As a voter who fight for change, I am getting the old garbage bags again and this is what concern me the most. Corrupted leaders in UMNO are given a chance to screw us again.

So far no action are taken against people like Abu Kassim, Gani Patail and certain ex Judges, instead there is the excuse of needing them.  This kind of excuse is simply BULL SHIT. Malaysia has a population of 34 million, surely there are handful of better men and women who can replace Abu Kassim, Gani Patail etc.

BTN, Jakim, Jawi, Tahfiz schools all should be shut down immediately. 

Why is there a need to have another religious school in Pantai Dalam?  What the heck is PH going back to its words of putting religion into our lives.  Malaysians are already being screwed left right and center with religion.  Let religion be confine within our own homes.  NO MORE RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS.  Malaysians want and demand for schools with no religion and racism taught or implemented in anyway.  Our children should be taught as Malaysian with no division.


Malaysians are looking for Great Attitude not crooks from the past and butt lickers.
