Berita PAS

Here are three news stories about PAS controlled Kelantan. 
The first is a comment by Mariam Mokhtar from July 2018 :

1. The Serambi Sumbang Mahram part :

Kelantan state leaders all ("ostards") 
Kelantan highest incest, highest HIV infections, most viewing pornography  

males frequently nip across to Thai red light districts
return home infect wives with STDs and HIV

world shocked by gang rape of 2 teenagers by 38 men, including father, son, nephew
Kota Baru filthy, plastic bags, cartons, food wrappers along roads, clogging drains 


i) In 2003, Police worried about large number of fathers raping daughters 
large number of incest cases in Kelantan

Nothing has changed in 2017 has it?

ii) From 2005 – 2010, Kelantan HIV infection  four times national average
records highest number of women infected by HIV.

iii) Last year Ahmad Jazlan warned Kelantan over rising HIV cases 
increased heterosexual and homosexual activities

iv) Internet users in Kuala Terengganu spent 12 mins and 58sec looking at porn
users in Kota Bahru spent 12:27 mins each, per visit.

My comments : They are already wearing the jubah (womens' attire). Why not ask the men to wear hijab and burka as well? Its just a suggestion. It may prevent sex related vices. In the Sahara the Touareg men cover their faces.

Hensem Touareg

2. Here is the second story.  300,000 Kelantanese struggling with mental health problems. This includes those that are in their PAS state government.

Roughly 300,000 out of 1.2 million residents in Kelantan have mental health issues, according to Kelantan Health Department director, Datuk Dr Ahmad Razin Ahmad Mahir, who based the statistics on a study conducted by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2015.      “Many of them are women aged between 16 and 24,” he added.

My comments : This one I have no comments. Better see the psychiatrist.

3.  Here is No 3 - school security guards in Kelantan are on strike because of unpaid wages.

Scores of school guards Machang, Kota Baru took to streets over unpaid wages
protests outside Machang District Education Office and outside SK Zainab 1 

last given half-month pay in August

Guard Mahidi Mohamad appealed for mercy
hardship we are facing when salaries not paid

risk being kicked out of rented homes, could not pay rent
Electricity cut because failure to pay bills
We need to feed our children too

they were told to seek financial assistance from Zakat centre
they have not paid our salary since Hari Raya

security company claimed they would start paying guards from Oct 15

Read more at The Star

My comments :  Who owns the security company? Ini mesti ada cerita panjang sikit. 

Finally here is something about PAS losing in Port Dickson:

Bergurau saja. Jangan marah ya. Tapi kalau nak marah, biar sampai padam ok. 
