CLSA FengShui Predictions 2017

After a fowl year in 2016, how will you and the Hang Seng Index fare 
with the plucky Rooster in 2017? Our 23rd Feng Shui guide offers an 
alternative look at what’s in store this year to help the luck flow in your 

Feng Shui masters are valued in the Orient by those looking to foretell 
the future. If you're running a hedge fund, no doubt you'll take our 
sorcerer’s view on the year ahead with a pinch of salt, but curiosity if 
not superstition may get the better of you. 

So scroll on down and chick out all manner of forecasts for the year 
ahead. Our longstanding health warning holds: don’t get your feathers 
ruffled and take it too seriously! - CLSA
